H.E.L.P. hosted its very successful Fall 2014 Fundraiser, Autumn Sunset, at the beautiful oceanfront home of Lisa and Chuck Noski on a balmy October evening. The proceeds from the wine-tasting event, with light supper, will benefit programs and services for seniors and their families. The event was chaired by H.E.L.P. Board Treasurer, Laura Kauls, CPA., partner in the Torrance accountancy firm, McDowell, Dillon and Hunter. Décor was chaired by Kim Engen, from H.E.L.P.s Advisory Board.

Laura Kauls, center, H.E.L.P. Event Chair and Board Treasurer welcomes guests with hosts Lisa and Chuck Noski.
The Diamond Sponsor for the event was Peninsula philanthropist, Ralph Scriba, who was honored at H.E.L.P.s June gala with its Lifetime AchievementAward for his longtime support of H.E.L.P. The Ruby Sponsor was Toyota Motor Sales, USA; and the Pearl Sponsor was Mary Harris, of Harris Financial Services. Underwriters were Torrance CPA, Cynthia Rustanius; and Michael Barth, Esq., whose law office is in Malaga Cove.
Wines were donated by Phyllis and Bill Glantz from their Eberle winery in Paso Robles; as well as by Jennifer and Brad Baker, esq., of Baker, Burton, and Lundy law firm; and Laura Kauls. Former H.E.L.P. Board member and longtime supporter, Kate Crane, esq., donated champagne from Domaine Carneros winery in Napa. Chefs Steve Riley and Robert Bell of Mama Terano and Chez Melange restaurants, prepared the light supper.
In addition to raising funds, it was a wonderful opportunity for longtime H.E.L.P. supporters, as well as new friends, to enjoy a lovely Fall evening together. True to its theme, we were treated to a colorful sunset overlooking the ocean at the close of the evening. Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters for making this event a great success.

H.E.L.P. Board Chair, Sharon Ryan, left, welcomes former H.E.L.P. Board member Kate Crane, Esq., center, who donated the Domaine Carneros Champagne, and Marion Paulsen.

H.E.L.P. Executive Director, Britt Huff, welcomes event Diamond Sponsor, Ralph Scriba, left, and Rod Burkley, former H.E.L.P. Board Chair.

Mary Harris, of Harris Financial Services, our Pearl Sponsor, was accompanied by her husband Doug Kendall.

Bob Wade, retired Toyota Executive, represented event Ruby Sponsor, Toyota USA Motor Sales. He is joined by (from left) Britt Huff, Carolin Keith Wade, and Helen Dennis, former H.E.L.P. Board Chair.

Kim Engen, left, event Decor Chair, donated the “Glassed Over” candles as table centerpieces, along with beautiful floral arrangements. With her are Eileen Hupp, President & CEO of the Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce, and Julia Parton, a former H.E.L.P. Board member.

Guests enjoyed wines donated by Phyllis and Bill Glantz from their Paso Robles Eberle Winery, right, as well as Napa champagne from Domaine Carneros, left, donated by Kate Crane, Esq., Other wines were donated by Board members Laura Kauls and Brad Baker.

Ardis Shubin, H.E.L.P. Community Services Specialist, right, helps volunteers from left, Joan Earhart, Kathleen Davis and Linda Smith, from the Torrance Women’s Club set up the bar for the wine tasting.

H.E.L.P. Board members, The Honorable George Nakano, left, with wife Helen, and Judy Bayer, Esq., with husband Fred.

The light supper was provided by Chefs Steve Riley and Robert Bell of Mama Terano and Chez Melange restaurants.

H.E.L.P. Board member Scott Magee, Esq., left, with his wife, Barbara, The Honorable George Nakano, Britt Huff, and Dale Harbour-Day.

H.E.L.P. Executive Director, Britt Huff, thanks sponsors for their generous donations and attendees for their support