Helping Elders Live Productively

Get the answers you need to live your best life.
H.E.L.P. supports seniors with free services, provided with care.

ENGAGE Program

man smiling holding a walker

Stay connected even if you are no longer able to socialize, shop, or travel with a weekly, friendly phone call and household services.

Family Caregiving Support Program


Find support and answers throughout your caregiving journey.

Bohannon Community Education Program

group of people taking notes

Stay educated! Cut through the noise of mass information, with trustworthy and unbiased solutions through classes, workshops, referrals and our ‘Listen, then HELP” counseling hotline.

Legal Advisory Program

grandfather with grandchild

Be empowered! Keep abreast of changing laws, scams, and public benefits, and our Council Who Care network of professionals provides outreach, classes, consultations and planning tools.

Community Partner Feature

H.E.L.P. is very grateful to have received a generous 2022 grant from the McMillen Family Foundation to enable our staff to stay focused on the important topic of alcohol and substance use among seniors.  This continues our valuable partnership with the Foundation that began in 2017, with the growing awareness of the dangers of opioid use by seniors.