Thank you for any and all contributions! Every bit HELPs! Click the Donate button to donate now!

If you prefer to make a donation by check, please send your gift to

23001 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 203
Torrance, CA 90505

All charitable contributions to H.E.L.P. are tax-deductible to the extent approved by United States law. Your donations H.E.L.P. elders, families and caregivers in crisis.

If you would like to honor, remember or celebrate someone with your donation, please note that in the comments box after clicking on the “donate” button. Although we list all donors in our magazine and on our website, if you prefer to remain anonymous, please note that in the comments box after clicking on the “donate” button.

Thank you for supporting H.E.L.P.

Other Ways to Support H.E.L.P.

goodsearch-logo-600pxMake you’r new favorite search engine and H.E.L.P. can earn a donation every time you search! GoodSearch donates fifty percent of the revenue generated from the sponsored search advertisers to a charity of your choice and because GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo!, you’ll still be getting high-quality search results!

Ralphs Community ProgramRalphs-Community-ContributionRegister your Ralphs Rewards Card and every time you shop for groceries, H.E.L.P. can earn a rebate. Individual rewards are separate from community contributions and Ralph’s will donate the rebates to a charity of your choice.

Just Click the Ralphs Logo to Get Started!

Matching Gift Programs and Employee Contribution Programs

Many employers offer an easy and FREE way to make donations from their individual employees go even further. A Matching Gift Program enables companies to match the value of each employee’s charitable donations, dollar for dollar or sometimes two dollars on every dollar. If you work for an employer that participates in a matching gifts program, you may be able to double your donation. To find out if your employer offers a program like this, talk to your Human Resources Department today!

Even if you don’t have a Matching Gift Program at your company, most companies will have an Employee Contribution Program. To set up donations through your employer, talk to your human resources director or payroll administrator. We are currently setup with the following donation programs:

  • United Way – Los Angeles: Designation Code: 27321

Consider Leaving a Legacy to Those Who Follow You

Charitable organizations, like H.E.L.P., need financial assistance from the community and individuals like you to continue their work. Your contribution to H.E.L.P. can continue beyond your lifetime by leaving a legacy of a charitable bequest from your estate.

A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization(s) through your last will and testament or your trust. You decide what bequest you wish to leave either through a specific designated amount or a percentage of your total estate value. You can also leave a specified item of value in your estate such as a piece of art, an automobile or real estate. Whatever your choice, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise asset and the specific direction of that asset to ensure your wishes are properly carried out. In this way, your good works and the help you provide can continue well beyond your lifetime.

In any charitable bequest, always be very accurate in naming the organization you want to receive the bequest. An example of the appropriate language in your will or trust for a bequest to H.E.L.P. would be:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to Healthcare & Elder Law Program Corporation (also known as H.E.L.P.), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, the sum of $____________(or a percentage of the estate value or a description of the specific asset) for the benefit of Healthcare & Elder Law Program Corporation and its general purposes.”

We always recommend that you carefully review the terms of your bequest, as well as your will and trust, with an experienced and knowledgeable professional trained in handling wills, trusts and estates.

If you have further questions, contact H.E.L.P. at (310) 533-1996.